Customers Get Exactly What They Want, When They Want It

Reliability and quality continue to be at the heart of over 50-year-old Teampac Providing customers the best possible service has always been the main motivating force for Teampac’s majority owner Perttu Valaja. When Perttu Valaja became the majority owner of Teampac 15 years ago, his vision was to lead a team that’s greater than the […]

Skin and Surface Disinfectants

Hand hygiene plays a crucial role in controlling the spread of infections Products for disinfecting skin and surfaces, such as hand disinfectants and disinfection wipes, are a core part of Teampac’s expertise. The majority of our products are contract manufactured for customers and are branded accordingly. End users include hospital staff as well as ordinary […]

Teampac in Kauppalehti’s list of Achievers

Picture, Kauppalehti Achievers.

We are proud to tell that Teampac is included in Kauppalehti’s list of Achievers! The Achiever certificate indicates that the company is acknowledged as a better partner. Teampac belongs to about 8 percent of Finnish joint-stock companies, which a financial analyst has found to perform better than others. Financial success is built on several different […]

Teampac Is a Part of Apodan’s Successful Recipe

Apodan is a purpose-driven Danish company that develops and sells medical devices to professionals and patients in the Danish and international health sector The company is built around the idea of making a difference by improving its customers’ health and quality of life. In order to do this, the whole chain from suppliers to distributors […]